This is an important topic, important enough to deserve its own separate post. :p
Perhaps due to the influence from Korean dramas, a lot of people believe that Korea is full of beauties and cuties. Before coming, I also wonder how Koreans look like (I mean as a country). I personally don't watch Korean dramas, but that does not stop EVERYONE around me from going crazy about them. -.-||
Korea is a very singular country, and this is reflected in Korean physical features. There is very little variety in their facial genetics. Everyday, I seem to see the same person passing by me a million times over. I really have difficulty telling Koreans apart sometimes. Not only do they look the same, they also like to wear the same style of clothes of the same color. During lunch/dinner time, the dining hall is filled with a sea of black/grey/dark blue. There is hardly any other colors in the mix...
I was in Seoul last weekend. The girls on the subway were very pretty, but they all looked so similar! Everyone has perfect alabaster complexion and high cheekbones. Their facial feature differ somewhat, but the bone structure is too similar for the differences to stand out. The men are more different from one another, but everyone seems to go for the same fashion style!
This is so different from my previous experiences. The U.S. is a melting pot society. There is more races than you can count and everyone wants to be unique and different. Singapore has 4 different races and n+1 different nationality imports. Half the country is 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants. Strictly speaking, it is also a melting pot society. China may be composed mainly of Han Chinese majority. But if you just take a walk in Beijing or Shanghai, you'd realize that the 'Han' blood has so much of everything else mixed in that it is impossible to define what 'Han' actually looks like. With Koreans however, you can tell at a glance!
If you place any of the Seoul subway ladies in Singapore or US, I would say they are very pretty. However, here, among the sea of similar looking girls.. no one strikes my eye. The two real pretty girls I see here are actually from Singapore. One was an air stewardess with SIA and another is an exchange student that hangs out with me. 毛豆标准身高,举手投足尽是清纯,但回眸一笑竟是无限妩媚。Her photos is up on my facebook if anyone is curious.
I hope to see more pretty girls when school starts. Most of the Korean students are not back on campus yet. So I am rather hopeful for the next semester.
The state with Korean guys are the same with Korean girls. Except that they are generally less handsome than Korean girls are pretty. Like the case with girls, the most attractive guy I have met since coming here is not a Korean. 看真人和看画像不一样。气质修养谈吐教养等都得算上。在这里碰到好多男孩子,各国各地都有。这里的中国人大多浮夸,华裔洋人心术不正,韩国人和越南人太安静,竟然是让个白人和一个蒙古人得了上乘。其中更要以蒙古人更为了不起,因为他的成长环境和条件要比旁人差了太多。一个穷孩子,能把英语练得那么正,能在各国学生面前不卑不吭,谈吐自如,坦坦荡荡,朋友照交。我真是开了眼界!佩服!当然,他长得也不差,好好一个蒙古人不知怎么地的愣是长成了一副清清秀秀的江南样子。
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